The four main utilities of a home used to consist of water, heat, phone and electricity. Today’s homes add a fifth utility; the internet. Today’s homes are connected to the internet and rely on it more than ever. For the younger generation, you can’t live without the internet. They often use it for school research, social networking, communications and gaming amongst other things. Parents are using it for many of these things and more. Not only are home computers using the internet, but so are home appliances like the refrigerator and your television. Your DVD player will use the internet to download information about a movie you may be watching, your home printer will use the internet to download the latest software version, your satellite TV receiver or Tivo recorder will use it to download the latest TV guide, and your TV will go out to the internet to stream the latest movies from Netflix.
Network connections in each room, provisions for wireless access points, shareable network connected printers, high speed network wiring and equipment, and expandability for the future all make for a complete home network system. Let’s face it; having a properly designed, secure, high speed and dynamic home network system is a requirement in homes today.
Contact TechLife Media Systems to discuss the home network in your home.